I was thinking the same thing...what can I munch on while watching conference. These are the things I came up with. Of course cut up fruit and veggies would be a good thing to munch on. Make a dip made with Greek yogurt. Add a little agave for the fruit or some spices for the veggies. Maybe frozen grapes, blueberries or sliced bananas. I would think you could munch on "healthy" chips and salsa. Healthy meaning...baked and low salt(limiting it to one serving). Low fat or air popped popcorn. Hope this gives you some ideas.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tortilla chips???
I just want to find out what snacks I can be eating since it is general conference weekend and I love to sit in my pajamas and listen and snack with the family. I need to have some okay snacks ready so I don't eat anything "un approved". How do you guys all feel about tortilla chips? Leave a comment and let me know. Hope everyone is having an amazing week!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Leigh- 79
Long days at work + Girls night out = Major point loss!
Great 1st week!
Great job everyone! that was a great first week! Everyone's points are now under your picture and will be added each week. Keep doing great!
Monday, September 26, 2011
These are the notes I have from my first "Healthy Lifestyle Support Group". Just wanted to share them with everyone..
Tuesday May 3, 2011
It is not just about abstaining from coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco.
Everything which affects the body also affects the spirit. The spiritual blessings that result from obedience to the Word of Wisdom are even greater than the physical blessings.
Following are from Elder Boyd K. Packer:
“Our physical body is the instrument of our spirit. In that marvelous revelation, the Word of Wisdom, we are told how to keep our bodies free from impurities which might dull, even destroy, those delicate physical senses which have to do with spiritual communication.
“The Word of Wisdom is a key to individual revelation. It was given as ‘a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints’ (D&C 89:3).
“The promise is that those who obey will receive ‘great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures’ (D&C 89:19). If we abuse our body with habit-forming substances or misuse prescription drugs, we draw curtains which close off the light of spiritual communication” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1989, p. 16; or Ensign, Nov. 1989, p. 14)
One of the greatest blessings we received when we came to earth is a physical body. Without bodies we could not experience the opportunities and lessons of life on earth. Without bodies we could not progress to godhood and become like our Father in Heaven. Because of birth defects, diseases, or accidents, our bodies may not be perfect. However, Heavenly Father expects us to take care of our bodies in the very best way we can. Because he loves us, he has told us how to care for our bodies.
A Gift from the Lord
The body is a gift from Heavenly Father. Doctrine and Covenants 88:15 states that “the spirit and the body are the soul of man.” The body and the spirit are meant to work in harmony with one another. We should, therefore, take good care of our physical bodies as well as our spirits.
Your body and your life are gifts from Heavenly Father. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “Your body is not your own; it is on loan from God” (“Ye Are the Temple of God,” Ensign, Sept. 2001, 18). Because the body is a gift from Heavenly Father, you have a responsibility to care for it well. Taking good care of your body doesn’t just mean not jumping off cliffs; it involves abstaining from other things that pose a risk to your health, like unhealthy eating habits, drugs, and alcohol.
Prophets have often counseled us to take care of our bodies. But what does “taking care of your body” really mean? And how do you do it? Consider these ideas:
Be on the Move: Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it build muscle and help maintain healthy weight, but it can also act as a stress reliever.
Eat to Live: Equally important is giving your body the right fuel. Every day we are bombarded by different messages about nutrition. Everyone wants us to think that they have the answer to quick weight loss and better health. The truth is that there isn’t a quick fix. Good nutrition is a lifestyle.
Stay Safe: One of the most important ways you can take care of your body is to keep it out of harm’s way. This principle may seem simple, but it will do a great deal in assuring you a long and healthy life. In today’s world, it is popular to take huge risks.
Your body is an incredible gift from a Father who loves you. He allowed you to come to earth and receive your body so that you could experience this mortal life. You are responsible for caring for your body and treating it in a way that honors its Creator. So get some exercise, buckle your seatbelt, and eat your vegetables!
Lose weight
Lower blood pressure
Lower health risks
Deal with sugar addiction
Deal with compulsive emotional eating
More energy
Food sensitiveness
Increase metabolism
Improve specific health issues
Fitness program
Supplement and vitamin regimen
Elimination Diet
Plan of Attack
Need a plan and some way to track it.
Helpful websites to assist you in making your own personal plan and track it.
1. http://www.mypyramid.gov/Interactive Tools /Food Planner, Tracker, etc
2. http://www.providentliving.org / Health/Nutrition and Diet/On the right hand side you can click on “Nutrition Calculations” or “Nutrition and Diet Manual”
3. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/Take-Control-of-Portion-Sizes_UCM_304051_Article.jsp
4. weightwatchers.com
5. fitday.com
6. livestrong.com
7. myfooddiary.com
8. LDS Family Services ARP/12 Step Program/Unhealthy Eating Patterns
Here is what the acronym SMART stands for with respect to resolutions and goals:
S= Specific: Make a specific resolution. Instead of “eating healthier”, “I will eat two apples per day.”
M= Measurable: Make your progress measurable. Example: if you want to lose 10 pounds overall, then losing one pound per week is measurable.
A= Attainable: Be realistic. Don’t hope to lose 20 pounds in two months and then keeping the pounds off. For permanent weight loss you must take it slow. The same applies to all major lifestyle changes. If you didn’t exercise at all before, don’t expect to do it suddenly one hour per day. Unrealistic expectations are the main reason that people give up on their resolutions.
R= Relevant: Is your health relevant to you? If not, why a resolution concerning a healthy lifestyle? Don’t do it, just because your friends want to improve their health. You won’t stick to health related resolutions anyway and it would be just a waste of time. Don’t make more than 2 or 3 resolutions and stick to things you are passionate about.
T= Time-bound: Set a time frame within which you will realize your resolutions. As I said before, drastic lifestyle changes are not happening in one minute.
Tammy Kilen - 69 Pts.
The first day I totally forgot about getting rid of an old habit until I caught myself doing it! This is a great way for me to track my progress and celebrate my wins and not to be hard on myself when I don't do something that I should be doing. My goal this coming is week is to get more points than I did last week and to notice the progress I'm making in changing my lifestyle. Good luck everyone!
Cindy Sylvester- 55 Points
This week was really hard! I must admit that the soda wasn't really that hard for me. It was the snacks! I didn't realize how much throughout the day I was eating something really unhealthy. I have missed walking and am picking it back up, but slowly. I used to walk 5-10 miles a day. Now, I am lucky to make 1 mile. Oh well, my goal is to walk that much or even maybe do a 5k like some of my Utah friends.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Samantha Godfrey/Total Points: 69
Well, I have to say this first week was very refreshing! I was soo proud of myself for my consistancy! My most proud accomplishment is NO SODA! That is definitely not easy but I feel so good about it. I struggled with the "No eating after 8 pm." If I stick with the paper/rule 8 pm was really hard to accomadte when I was waking up and starting my day close to noon. (Really not as wonderful as it sounds.) I would finally be hungry around 8 or so for dinner but then I was up until a little after midnight. I am hoping with this next week of recovery I will be able to get back onto a better timing schedule/routiune for my days.
I did struggle with the "30 min. of exercise" only because I had envasive knee surgery a week ago. So, I made a conscience effort to keep the free weights by the bed at all time. With little movement due to my brace and recovery time I worked my little arms to the bone this week. In the end arms can be sexy right? Haha!
I was happy with my 69 points and am looking forward to bigger numbers next week!
I did struggle with the "30 min. of exercise" only because I had envasive knee surgery a week ago. So, I made a conscience effort to keep the free weights by the bed at all time. With little movement due to my brace and recovery time I worked my little arms to the bone this week. In the end arms can be sexy right? Haha!
I was happy with my 69 points and am looking forward to bigger numbers next week!
Kathryn Ellison-81 pts
This exercising everyday is killing me! I have lost some weight so seeing results is helping me a lot. I saved my unhealthy food and sugar for the same day and felt awful the next day...but I sure enjoyed it while I ate and savored every bite! I am enjoying eating healthier and can tell that my body does too. I feel better and that is making be a better mom, and wife.
Kim Bainbridge 83 Points - not easy!
Ive danced salsa for the last three nights, as well as spin & gym on vacation - Im exausted....lol can i trade my exercise points for a virgin pina colada??? kidding..... :)
Anna Trevino 80 Points
Wow!! Giving up soda was so hard, but I did well (so far). I can't believe I am actually enjoying the healthier eating and the workouts! The weekend was what killed me.
Lura Barua 84 Points
This week was not as hard as I thought it would be. I had my "Harajuku Moment" and so I am in this all the way. I need to be in this to win in order for it to work for me.
Harajuku Moment: It's an epiphany that turns a nice-to-have into a must-have. One must have a Harajuku Moment to fuel a change.
"I must have a healthy lifestyle!"
Sarah Stewart 82 POINTS
Holy cow i survived without soda!! I thought that with being pregnant and up all night cuz of my 2yr old i'd crash without caffine... BUT I LIVED! WOO HOO! And i was actually plesant (most of the time) :)
Matt Haugh 82 points
Wow! Definitely made me think of everything I was doing a lot more! I've loved the goal setting part.
Faith Haugh 83 points
I love these kind of challenges! I really feel better everytime I go "sugar-free". It's just remembering that when cake is in front of you! Good job everyone!
Tori Klein - 84 points
Loved my first week! Feel like a happier healthier mommy and wife all ready! My kids started reaching for veggies/fruits more often too because that's what I was eating or bringing when we were out of the house! Love it!
Ashley Vadney- 84 points
I used 2 free points this week...one for veggies and one for working out. I am so proud of myself though for not having one sweet treat this week! :) Is is getting easier to resist! In just this one week I feel so much better.
Christene Houston- 84
Alright, we had Fast Sunday today and I was wondering how points work on that day. We weren't able to get our fruit in or all of our water, but I'm assuming that is okay when these days happen, so we've both counted those points regardless. Are we doing that right?
This week was crazy, but like everyone else, I love the feeling of eating well and working out each day. I literally pulled a piece of cookie out of my mouth at one point. Funny how cleaning up the leftovers of our little ones becomes second nature. That's a good change.
I like how I am starting to think of ways to work my veggies into meals and snacks instead of reaching for my standards. The hardest thing for me is NOT eating sweets every day. Yikes, that's tough. I'm surviving, but I hope it gets easier...I know it will. Go us!
This week was crazy, but like everyone else, I love the feeling of eating well and working out each day. I literally pulled a piece of cookie out of my mouth at one point. Funny how cleaning up the leftovers of our little ones becomes second nature. That's a good change.
I like how I am starting to think of ways to work my veggies into meals and snacks instead of reaching for my standards. The hardest thing for me is NOT eating sweets every day. Yikes, that's tough. I'm surviving, but I hope it gets easier...I know it will. Go us!
Nate Roberts: 84 points
With working full time and going to school full time I don't feel like I have enough time to crave sweets. Probably the hardest part for me has been finding the time to work out. So now 4 days a week I can be found walking aimlessly around campus while studying trying to get my exercise in.
Rachel Roberts: 81 Points
I love this challenge! My workout totally kicked my butt! But I am feeling so good now. I have a question that I wanted to put out there to see what everyone thinks... I do not need a whole candy bar or big thing of ice cream for a sweet. I am wondering if getting a Hersey's bar and eating a piece a day would be keeping the rules, then use that as my one free point. Let me know what you think. Hope everyone had a good week.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Conference Call...
I have had some questions on things this week and wanted to explain them. So I set up a conference call that you go listen to. It was much easier then writing it out
Phone # is 1(559)546-1099
Access code is 685723#
It will ask for a reference # - dont push anything and just wait until it has you push # again.
Then you can listen to it!
Thanks everyone!
If you have still not accepted you blog author invite, please do so asap! You will need to add on your points tomorrow night!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
How is everyone doing?
So far so good. I think the fruit is really helping my sugar cravings. I haven't killed anyone yet.
Monday, September 19, 2011
gatorade and protein bars
These things are okay to be drinking/eating while we are working out. These are great things to take when we exercise to get our electrolytes back up! You do not need to dock points for these things as long as you are using them when we are exercising and not just using it for a sneaky "sugar" fix....
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Let the Challenge begin
On your mark...get set....GO!!!
The challenge begins tonight with your first night of sleep .... I have emailed everyone the tracking sheets. If you did not receive it then please email me at toriklein@yahoo.com to receive it!
Good luck!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
If you are looking for the Challenge requirement...scroll down to the next post
We need a little clarification on the stop a bad habit and start a new habit. It needs to be a habit that you are doing every single day. That way you can tally up your points for each day for the habits. So for example on the bad habit would be , stop biting your nails, not yelling, not checking facebook ten times a day :) there are some examples for you. Good habits to start would be saying your daily prayers, telling you spouse you love them, journaling/blogging everyday....hopefully this helps a little to understand this one better...
Also remember to send your pictures in to me at toriklein@yahoo.com and also to send me your stop habit/start habits! Money is due by SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17th in order to be a part of the challenge.
Please let me know if you have any questions on each of the daily points!
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