Friday, September 30, 2011

Healthy Munchies

I was thinking the same thing...what can I munch on while watching conference. These are the things I came up with. Of course cut up fruit and veggies would be a good thing to munch on. Make a dip made with Greek yogurt. Add a little agave for the fruit or some spices for the veggies. Maybe frozen grapes, blueberries or sliced bananas. I would think you could munch on "healthy" chips and salsa. Healthy meaning...baked and low salt(limiting it to one serving). Low fat or air popped popcorn. Hope this gives you some ideas.


  1. Thanks those are great ideas!! They have a really good jalepeno greek yogurt dip at costco that is so good with veggies. i think aby of the flavored rice cakes are ok too, and multigrain crackers.

  2. There are also some really good chips I got at Fresh and Easy that are super healthy, flax seed, low sodium - and really good. I also eat hummus with carrots and Fresh and Easy has a few different varieties of Hummus that are really good.
