Sunday, September 25, 2011

Christene Houston- 84

Alright, we had Fast Sunday today and I was wondering how points work on that day. We weren't able to get our fruit in or all of our water, but I'm assuming that is okay when these days happen, so we've both counted those points regardless. Are we doing that right?

This week was crazy, but like everyone else, I love the feeling of eating well and working out each day. I literally pulled a piece of cookie out of my mouth at one point. Funny how cleaning up the leftovers of our little ones becomes second nature. That's a good change.

I like how I am starting to think of ways to work my veggies into meals and snacks instead of reaching for my standards. The hardest thing for me is NOT eating sweets every day. Yikes, that's tough. I'm surviving, but I hope it gets easier...I know it will. Go us!

1 comment:

  1. you would just need to plan ahead and have those points be your free points on days like these. Or just drink all your water/eat fruit after your fast is broken. Its possible to get all the water in after your just might have to go to the bathroom more :)The points work the same on every day, whether you are fasting or not. Great job!
