Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Challenge!

....these will be on a daily basis

  1. 7 hours of sleep (not necessarily consecutive – nap counts too!)
  2. 48 oz water
  3. 30 minutes of excersice (not necessarily consecutive)
  4. 2 servings of veggies
  5. 2 servings of fruits
  6. No soda or other unhealthy drinks (high sugar juices)
  7. No bad fast food or unhealthy snacks
  8. No sweets (desserts, pastries or sugary snacks)
  9. No eating after 8:00pm
  10. 15 minutes of scripture reading (or spiritual text/uplifting messages if you don’t do scriptures)
  11. Stop a bad habit
  12. Start a new habit

We will start the challenge on Monday September 19th and will go for 12 weeks ending on December 11th.

You must pay a contribution of $10 by Saturday September 17th. Bring to me in person or email me for my address to mail in dues. UPDATE This money will be the prize money for the top 3 winners (or otherwise distributed if their is a tie between several people)

Once you have paid your dues, please email a picture to You picture will be posted on the sidebar with your point total each week. We will add your email address as an author to this blog, so you can get on each Sunday night and post your weekly scores.

Rules of the Challenge

You have a total of 12 points per day. You must keep track of all your points on your own. I will email you a document that will help to keep track of your points easier. Then, every SUNDAY you will type a post with your total points for the week and anything you would like to share about your experience. Your total points will then be added up by the challenge coordinator and added to your total under your picture.

You have one free point, PER CATEGORY, PER WEEK. One free point for exercise, one free point for soda, one free point for sweets, etc. You do NOT have 12 free points to use however you choose- they are NOT interchangeable and if you choose not to use a free point in a category, it is gone at weeks end. You could also just choose to have one “Free” day where all points are free. Your choice!

This challenge is based on an HONOR CODE. The only person that can keep track of your points is YOU. The only person that will know the truth of the points you are posting, is you! So please remember that we are all doing this for fun, and even though there is a slight motivation (i.e. prize money) at the end, we are all basing this on the honesty of the players.

** You will need to email in what your stop a habit and start a habit are going to be. We will NOT publish these for everyone to see, but we will just keep them on record to hold you to your challenges.

** There are 2 sick days allotted for the 12 week period. If you are too sick to get up and out of bed to do this challenge you can use a sick day. There are ONLY 2 sick days and must be used for only sicknesses.

** When you are using your FREE point it is for one of the items not a whole days worth. Example: If you are using a FREE point for soda, you get 1 soda. Not a day full of sodas! Or If you are using a FREE point for sweets , then you get to eat one sweet or serving of sweets not the whole days worth of sweets.

If you have any questions please let me know before the challenge, so we will have all questions cleared up before we start.

GOOD LUCK! This is a fun, but sometimes difficult challenge that is a great all around experience, For those of us looking to shed some unwanted pounds, this will definitely be a great way to get going. But, the purpose behind this challenge is not strictly for weight, We are simply working on what President Hinckley has repeatedly asked of his saints

“Try a little harder to be a little better”