Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kim Bainbridge - 70

that brings my total to 914 - so glad its over.....way too much stress! 

Monday, December 12, 2011


Congrats to everyone on a fantastic challenge. We are few in numbers of those that stayed with it to the end but doesn't it feel good to have completed the challenge. I hope that the habits that you formed in the last 12 weeks will stay with us all! Since there was a 4 way tie! awesome!
The "pot" is divided up between the WINNERS!

Nate Roberts-1008 points
Ashley Vadney-1008 points
Nick Vadney - 1008 points
Tori Klein-1008 points

Please email me (toriklein@yahoo.com) your address so i can send you your winnings!
Great job everyone!

Matt Haugh-78pts

Faith Haugh -80 pts

70 Points for Danielle. Too many sick days and a sick child. It was really fun Tori. Thank you for putting it together.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

OnE MoRe WeEk!!!!

Anyone else excited that we only have one more week on the challenge? yeah! The challenge has been so great though and I am so proud of all of you that have stuck with it to the very end! Hopefully these habits will stick with you after the challenge is over....Good job!

Tori Klein - 84 points