Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rachel Roberts: 81 Points

I love this challenge! My workout totally kicked my butt! But I am feeling so good now. I have a question that I wanted to put out there to see what everyone thinks... I do not need a whole candy bar or big thing of ice cream for a sweet. I am wondering if getting a Hersey's bar and eating a piece a day would be keeping the rules, then use that as my one free point. Let me know what you think. Hope everyone had a good week.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are loving it girlie! I would have to say that the piece of candy bar a day would be "breaking a rule". Here is why, its giving you that "sugar fix" each day instead of just treating yourself one time a week. So maybe get one and enjoy it slowly while you watch a movie or so! love ya
